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Custom Value In Toolbar Drop Down Lists
Summary How to configure the values in ToolbarDropDownLists such as FontFacesMenu

ToolbarDropDownList values

Each ToolbarDropDownList (such as InsertHtmlMenu) has two associated array properties, a List property and a Names' Property. For InsertHtmlMenu, the two properties are InsertHtmlMenuList and InsertHtmlMenuNames. If set, these properties will fill the InsertHtmlMenu dropdownlist. InsertHtmlMenuList is an array of HTML blocks and InsertHtmlMenuNames is a list of the display names for those values. The length of both arrays must match.

Below are all the possible values

  • FontFacesMenu: FontFacesMenuList, FontFacesMenuNames
  • FontForeColorMenu: FontForeColorMenuList, FontForeColorMenuNames
  • FontBackColorMenu: FontBackColorMenuList, FontBackColorMenuNames
  • FontSizesMenu: FontSizesMenuList, FontSizesMenuNames
  • InsertHtmlMenu: InsertHtmlMenuList, InsertHtmlMenuNames
  • ParagraphMenu: ParagraphMenuList, ParagraphMenuNames
  • StylesMenu: StylesMenuList, StylesMenuNames (if DesignModeStyleSheet is set to a value stylesheet path and AutoParseStyles = true, then the StyleMenu will be automatically populated)
  • SymbolsMenu: SymbolsMenuList (the symbols menu does not have a Names property)
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