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ToolbarButtons and ToolbarDropDownLists can be added to a FreeTextBox either programmatically, procedurally, or by inheriting from ToolbarButton or ToolbarDropDownList.


To define a custom ToolbarButtons, you must set the Title and ButtonImage properties as well as the ScriptBlock property. To access the FreeTextBox in which the button resides, use the syntax "this.ftb.MethodName"

        <FTB:FreeTextBox id="FreeTextBox1" AutoGenerateToolbarsFromString="false" runat="server" >
                    <FTB:ToolbarButton Title="Insert Some Text" ScriptBlock="this.ftb.InsertHtml(ftbName,'FreeTextBox is great!!');"
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  • In the examples 'this' refers to the FTB_Button JavaScript object, 'this.ftb' refers to the button's parent FTB_FreeTextBox object. By using 'this.ftb' you can access all the FTB_FreeTextBox methods, some of which are listed at MajorFreeTextBoxJavaScriptFunctions.

Inside your Page_Load function, you can add ToolbarButtons to a FreeTextBox control's Toolbars collection property.

    myButton.ScriptBlock = @"this.ftb.InserHtml(""FreeTextBox is great!!"");";
        <FTB:FreeTextBox id="FreeTextBox1" AutoGenerateToolbarsFromString="false" runat="server" />
 using FreeTextBoxControls;
             ScriptBlock = @"this.ftb.InserHtml(""FreeTextBox is great!!"");";
 <%@ Register TagPrefix="FTB" Namespace="FreeTextBoxControls" Assembly="FreeTextBox" %>
        <FTB:FreeTextBox id="FreeTextBox1" AutoGenerateToolbarsFromString="false" runat="server" >
Summary This Wiki will explain the installation and use of FreeTextBox

This page was automatically generated when this topic (FreeTextBox) was renamed to FreeTextBoxa on 11/17/2004 at 8:12 PM by

Summary FreeTextBox is ASP.NET HTML editor for web applications. It works with IE 5, 5.5, and 6.0 for PCs and Mozilla 1.3 or greater for PC, Mac, and Linux. This includes Netscape 7 and greater. It does not include IE for Mac, Safari or any version of Opera.asdfasdf
Summary FTB_API is a JavaScript object that allows access to all the FreeTextBox controls on a page

In JavaScript you can find FreeTextBox control using the following syntax

 ftb = FTB_API['FreeTextBox1']

In this example 'FreeTextBox1' is the ClientID of the FreeTextBox. The Client ID is generated by the .NET framework and can be accessed by getting ClientID.

Summary This Wiki explains the installation and use of FreeTextBox

Getting Started with FreeTextBox


FreeTextBox JavaScript

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Projects Using FreeTextBox

Summary The ImageGallery allows images to be uploaded and used in FreeTextBox.

The ImageGallery control resides on the page ftb.imagegallery.aspx. The control is not designed to function in concert with other controls as it attempts to resize itself to take up the entire browser window. There are a few important settings on the originating FreeTextBox control.

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  • ImageGalleryUrl = this is the URL to the page where the ImageGallery control resides. This does not need to be changed unless you want to store ftb.imagegallery.aspx in a location other than the same folder in which the originating FreeTextBox page resides

This page was automatically generated when this topic (Installation !) was renamed to Installation on 1/24/2005 at 8:57 AM by

Summary How to install FreeTextBox

Installing the FreeTextBox support files


FreeTextBox uses JavaScript, images, and xml files. To correctly install FreeTextBox, you must install these files. FreeTextBox has two ways of accessing these files:

  • External Files - Before FreeTextBox 3.0, all images, javascript and xml were stored as external files. By default, FreeTextBox looks in /aspnet_client/FreeTextBox/ for these files. If you want to store the files in a different location, you need:
    • To tell FreeTextBox which kind of files to look for external resources: JavaScriptLocation=ExternalFile, ToolbarImages=ExternalFile, ButtonImagesLocation=ExternalFile
    • To set the SupportFolder property of your FreeTextBox instance to the directory where you copied the files. For example, if you stored the FreeTextBox support files at, you should set SupportFolder="/FreeTextBoxFiles/".
  • Internal Resources - As of FreeTextBox 3.0 all the images, javascript and xml is stored inside the FreeTextBox.dll. In ASP.NET 2.0 these files are automatically pulled from the FreeTextBox.dll. In ASP.NET 1.x, you need to add the following httpHandler to web.config:
     <add verb="GET" path="FtbWebResource.axd" type="FreeTextBoxControls.AssemblyResourceHandler, FreeTextBox" />

Adding FreeTextBox to a ASP.NET aspx page or ascx control


To add FreeTextBox to an ASP.NET page, do the following:

 <%@ Register TagPrefix="FTB" Namespace="FreeTextBoxControls" Assembly="FreeTextBox" %>
 <FTB:FreeTextBox id="FreeTextBox1" runat="Server" />

Using FreeTextBox in a Visual Studio.NET project

  • Add a reference to the FreeTextBox.dll
  • Add FreeTextBox to the VS.NET Toolbox
  • Drag FreeTextBox onto your webform
Summary Tells FreeTextBox to use resources within the FreeTextBox.dll. For ASP.NET 1.x, you must add a web.config handler.
Summary FreeTextBox can load any language. Use Localization to support your language

Languages.xml contains lists all the language resources natively supported by FreeTextBox. To use a langauge, set the Language property of FreeTextBox to the desired local (ex. hu-HU for Hungarian).


1 - FreeTextBox first loads English (en-US) from an internal resource to populate all the needed values. This file contains all values used by FreeTextBox.


2 - FreeTextBox will then look for a physical language file correspoding with the selected language. For example, if Language="es-ES", FreeTextBox will look for "[SupportFolder]/Languages/es-ES.xml".


2.1 - If there is no physical file, FreeTextBox will then look for an internal resource by the same name.


3 - If there is a valid language file in (2) or (2.1) then FreeTextBox will load all available values in place of the default en-US values. If a If a value is missing, the original (1) internal English value will be used.


Summary : A List of JavaScript functions developers can use to program against FreeTextBox


Major FreeTextBox JavaScript functions

 FTB_API['FreeTextBox1'].InsertHtml("blah <i>blah</i>");
 FTB_API['FreeTextBox1'].SetHtml("some new HTML with a table: <table><tr><td>(0, 0)</td><td>(0, 1)</td></tr><tr><td>(1, 0)</td><td>(1, 1)</td></tr></table>");
 FTB_API['FreeTextBox1'].clientSideTextChanged = myFunction;
   // do something with FreeTextBox
Redirect MajorFreeTextBoxJavaScriptFunctions

This page was automatically generated when this topic (Major_FreeTextBox_JavaScript_Functions) was renamed to MajorFreeTextBoxJavaScriptFunctions on 11/18/2004 at 3:13 AM by -

Summary a property of FreeTextBox that tells FreeTextBox where to find its supporting JavaScript, image, and XML files.
Summary This Wiki explains the installation and use of FreeTextBox

Getting Started with FreeTextBox


FreeTextBox JavaScript

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Projects Using FreeTextBox

Summary How to configure various ToolbarButtons and ToolbarDropDownLists in FreeTextBox

There are three ways to configure the FreeTextBox toolbar area

     <FTB:FreeTextBox id="FreeTextBox1"

The following values are only available in Pro versions of FreeTextBox (or if running on localhost)

        <FTB:FreeTextBox id="FreeTextBox1" AutoGenerateToolbarsFromString="false" runat="server" >
        <FTB:FreeTextBox id="FreeTextBox1" AutoGenerateToolbarsFromString="false" runat="server" />
Summary a string of ToolbarItems such as 'bold', 'inserttable', and 'fontfacesmenu' that determines which ToolbarItems FreeTextBox displays.
Title FreeTextBox
Description Welcome to FreeTextBoxWiki
Namespace FreeTextBoxWiki